Okay, so in the game the main character needs to go the bathroom, so he stops at a building he's never seen before. He's told that an outhouse is located on the roof, and he can get to the roof from the top floor, Floor Fifty. After starting on his quest to take a piss, he finds out that the building is FULL of sexy women who try to seduce men who come into the building. He's strictly loyal to your wife, however, so he turn to leave but his bladder makes him stay and continue his quest. Okay, so basically I need help with FIFTY ideas for different kinds of sexy women. Also, I need to know the best kind of flash for me to transfer the game data into so I can post it on Newgrounds. {Note: Anybody who helps me a lot with this can get their own (male) character put into the game!}
there aren't different kinds of flash. it would probably be easier for you to code the whole thing in flash rather than try to transfer it.